2019年5月13日 星期一

利用英文課釐清 compassion 與 empathy

今天趁著英文課,除了釐清KEECC-A的翻譯,也趕緊和Lynn釐清compassionempathy的差別,確定到底我們要測量的是compassion or empathy


Lynn表示,用簡單的話來區分的話,compassion= empathy+ love/caring



Lynn表示compassion應該是不太適合測量的,empathy就可以,有比較多工具在測量empathy。而且,醫療人員在empathy後的行動,是他們的 “ job ”,與compassion有所不同:醫療人員也可以有empathy、沒有compassion,不過出於工作需要,還是幫助病人,「不過提升他們的empathy可能可以改善他們和病人的互動沒錯啦」Lynn補充說明到。


Compassion and empathy are fundamentally different but are closely related.
Compassion is an emotional response to sympathy and creates a desire to help.
Empathy is our feeling of awareness towards other people’s emotions and an attempt to understand how they feel

Empathy is a gateway to compassion. It’s understanding how someone feels, and trying to imagine how that might feel for you — it’s a mode of relating.
Compassion takes it further. It’s feeling what that person is feeling, holding it, accepting it, and taking some kind of action.

Emotional empathy could be simply described as “feeling what others feel,”
cognitive empathy as “understanding what others feel,” and
compassion as “caring about how others feel.”

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