2018年11月9日 星期五

2018.11.05-11.09 研究助理-文獻閱讀W31

Online instructional anatomy videos: Student usage, self‐efficacy, and performance in upper limb regional anatomy assessment
1.         目的:探討supplemental instructional videosstudent self-efficacy and/ or learning之間的關係
2.         The provision of the videos did not improve overall cohort performance as compared to a historical cohort,
3.         however, those students that accessed all video sets experienced a greater normalized learning gain compared to students that used none or one of the four sets of videos.
4.         此研究中的影片素材成了被動教學方式,而主動教學才是我們想鼓勵的,故建議:
(1)      讓影片成為interactive tutorials,還能提供feedback
(2)      發展students’ self-evaluation
1.         教學內容 (Lecture + Practice)
(1)      Lecture recordings were made available on the day of the lecture.
(2)      Written practical guides were provided to students to indicate the type of specimen to select, the structures to be identified and short-response questions to prompt students to relate anatomical structure to function.
(3)      These guides were available to students several days prior to the practical class.
(4)      OT多了MMTmeasurement of ROM的教學

2.         線上解剖教學影片
(1)      每部6分多鐘,將上肢分為4大區塊(pectoral girdle region; shoulder region; arm, elbow and forearm region; wrist and hand region),一個區塊4部影片,共16
(2)      實習課前~學期結束都看得到影片
(3)      實習課時也開放大家使用「智慧產品」來觀看影片
(4)      同學們可將影片調成靜音來考驗自己記得多少

3.         自我解剖效能
(1)      分別於第1週、第7週執行前測、後測
(2)      the anatomical self-efficacy instrument by Burgoon et al. (2012) was modified

4.         學習成效評量
The examination questions were open response(簡答題) requiring one to several word answers relating to prosected cadaveric specimens such as identification of structures, innervation, attachments and actions.

Anatomy of the upper limb: a partnership in learning and assessment
1.         目的:了解學伴制度對於學生的自信心影響為何,以及對於讓學生記得上肢解剖理論以應用於臨床是否有助益
2.         於學期初知道受評的內容
3.         每人找一個學習夥伴,與他練習口試與受評內容
4.         對部分學生來說更緊張,但整體學習氣氛更佳,且學生對於自己能掌握上肢複雜的解剖構造與其動作功能顯得十分開心
1.         教、學、評估
(1)      “work pack”: diagram outlines; functional anatomy exercises which are ‘peer mediated’, introducing the paired students to new learning strategies and encouraging them to discuss and analyse the workings of the upper limb.

2.         Oral anatomy examination
(1)      aims: “To encourage the students to handle and look at their own bodies and those of others to familiarise themselves with surface markings, recognition of movement and the relationship between the superficial and deeper structures
(2)      It is hoped that the material thus learned will become part of the working vocabulary of the student and the process of post-examination amnesia will be reduced.




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