2018年4月20日 星期五

2018.04.16-04.20 研究助理-文獻閱讀

1.         Assessing patient-centred communication in teaching: a systematic review of instruments (2017)
à  提到十三種評估工具,重點放在patient-centredness而不是溝通技巧。
2.         Assessing Communication Skills of Medical Students in Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)--A Systematic Review of Rating Scales (2016)
à  提到八項評估工具。
3.         Marrying Content and Process in Clinical Method Teaching: Enhancing the Calgary–Cambridge Guides (2003)
à  以過程(process)來分類溝通技巧。

1.          Edgcumbe DP, Silverman J, Benson J (2012) An examination of the validity of EPSCALE using factor analysis. Patient Education and Counseling 87: 120–124. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2011.07.011 PMID: 21852064
2.          Silverman J, Archer J, Gillard S, Howells R, Benson J (2011) Initial evaluation of EPSCALE, a rating scale that assesses the process of explanation and planning in the medical interview. Patient Education and Counseling 82: 89–93. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2010.02.022 PMID: 20338713
3.          Fischbeck S, Mauch M, Leschnik E, Beutel ME, Laubach W (2011) Assessment of communication skills with an OSCE among first year medical students [German]. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie 61: 465–471. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1291277 PMID: 22081465
4.          Harasym PH, Woloschuk W, Cunning L (2008) Undesired variance due to examiner stringency/ leniency effect in communication skill scores assessed in OSCEs. Advances in Health Sciences Education 13: 617–632. PMID: 17610034
5.          Hodges B, McIlroy JH (2003) Analytic global OSCE ratings are sensitive to level of training. Medical Education 37: 1012–1016. PMID: 14629415
6.          Mortsiefer A, Immecke J, Rotthoff T, Karger A, Schmelzer R, Raski B, et al. (2014) Summative assessment of undergraduates' communication competence in challenging doctor-patient encounters. Evaluation of the Düsseldorf CoMeD-OSCE. Patient Education and Counseling 95: 348–355. doi: 10.1016/j. pec.2014.02.009 PMID: 24637164
7.          Humphris GM, Kaney S (2001) The Liverpool brief assessment system for communication skills in the making of doctors. Advances in Health Sciences Education: Theory and Practice 6: 69–80.
8.          Huntley CD, Salmon P, Fisher PL, Fletcher I, Young B (2012) LUCAS: A theoretically informed instrument to assess clinical communication in objective structured clinical examinations. Medical Education 46: 267–276. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2011.04162.x PMID: 22324526
9.          Thistlethwaite JE (2002) Developing an OSCE station to assess the ability of medical students to share information and decisions with patients: Issues relating to interrater reliability and the use of simulated patients. Education for Health 15: 170–179. PMID: 14741966
10.        Van Nuland M, Van den Noortgate W, van der Vleuten C, Goedhuys J (2012) Optimizing the utility of communication OSCEs: Omit station-specific checklists and provide students with narrative feedback. Patient Education and Counseling 88: 106–112. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2011.12.015 PMID: 22322068
11.        Lang F, McCord R, Harvill L, Anderson DS (2004) Communication assessment using the Common Ground Instrument: Psychometric properties. Family Medicine 36: 189–198. PMID: 14999576
12.        Mercer SW, Maxwell M, Heaney D, Watt GC. The consultation and relational empathy (CARE) measure: development and preliminary validation and reliability of an empathy-based consultation process measure. Fam Pract 2004;21 (6):699–705.
13.        Schnabl GK, Hassard TH, Kopelow ML. The assessment of interpersonal skills using standardised patients. Acad Med 1991;66 (9 Suppl):34–6.
14.        Reinders ME, Blankenstein AH, Knol DL, de Vet HC, van Marwijk HW. Validity aspects of the patient feedback questionnaire on consultation skills (PFC), a promising learning instrument in medical education. Patient Educ Couns 2009;76 (2):202–6
15.        Engelberg R, Downey L, Curtis JR. Psychometric characteristics of a quality of communication questionnaire assessing communication about end-oflife care. J Palliat Med 2006;9 (5):1086–98.
16.        Iramaneerat C, Myford CM, Yudkowsky R, Lowenstein T. Evaluating the effectiveness of rating instruments for a communication skills assessment of medical residents. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2009;14 (4):575–94.




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