2021年8月27日 星期五

英文學習_Progress Note



1.        重點:論文文義理解(7/20, 8/18, 8/25)




(1)  想太多,讀的時候做過多解釋與臆測,把問題變得複雜。




(2)  句子長、介係詞多的時候,判斷代名詞與斷句偶有困難。



(3)  某些單字可能有多種意思,用其中一種意思讀不懂,卻未查清它的其他意思。如:parallelwholesale




2.        重點:朗讀、理解、總結文章並陳述觀點



(1)  相比過去,閱讀的節奏有再流暢一點了。

(2)  以前總是在不對的地方換氣,讓聽的人很混亂,最近的一次有比較改善。

(3)  生詞不多的時候,可以一邊朗讀,一邊理解其意思。(Lynn能從我讀的音調聽出我那句有沒有讀懂哈哈)

(4)  大多能抓住文章重點。



(1)  長母音與短母音不分,如passionpatient等。

(2)  用英文總結時,偶爾仍會卡住想不到詞。

(3)  描述抽象複雜的概念時,第一次的說明經常讓Lynn聽不懂。

Lynn's comments

Discuss journal articles 

Edit translations 

Read and discuss news articles 

Han En’s speaking skills and her ability to express ideas have improved a lot. 

She still gets stuck on some words and needs to build her vocabulary but she can quickly paraphrase and interchange words using she words she knows. 

She has some minor pronunciation issues with the placement of consonants, such as stole/sold which she doesn’t really realize or notice herself. 

Her biggest problem is probably with her reading as she tends to overthink the details and infer meanings that are not written in the paper. 

Because she tries to translate English into Chinese, she tends to add extra words in order to make sense of the meaning and to help the Chinese flow better. 

As a result, the concepts become more and more complex and gets sidetracked from the original article. 

In order to clarify the author’s intention, she should check relevant sources and use an English dictionary to distinguish between the implied meaning of these words. 

She needs to make a clear distinction between every keyword or sentence to avoid confusion for readers and add value to her writing.

1 則留言:

  1. 多數缺點的癥結,大多是練習/準備不足
    practice makes perfect!



  9/13( 一 ) 自己的研究 請教士捷學長 *3 (文獻搜尋、回顧、寫作方向) 其他 確認柔潔與劭彤將檔案交與宜瑄、宜瑄完成清點與校對 協助派發劭彤資料